Sergey Pikin: Power Transmission Price Freeze for a Year will not Make an Effect.Parlamentskaya Gazeta's center held a round table on "The Causes and Consequences of Power Transmission Price Freeze." Sergey Pikin, Director of Energy Development Fund, opened the meeting by stating that the price freeze is a "forced measure." "The economic growth is very low. Two percent growth would be an achievement already," was the...
Expert: Energy Market of Russia Needs Clear RulesMoscow, August 8 Russian energy market needs a transparent system of relations between its participants, says Sergey Pikin, Director of the Energy Development Fund. Tenders for the status of Guaranteeing Suppliers (GS), organized pursuant to an order of the Russian Ministry of Energy, were launched last week in 11 regions where the...
17.04.2013 14:26:00
Novatek Becoming Putin's Offensive Reconnaissance in the MarketStrengthening of the largest Russian independent gas company Novatek, one of whose owners is Gennady Timchenko (thought to be a 'friend' of Putin), may not but be noticed. By all appearances, it is Timchenko's organization that is to become the ram that will at last breach Gazprom's monopoly in Russia at first, and then Gazprom's exclusive right...
21.01.2013 15:05:00
Sergey Pikin: "2013 should be dedicated to devising the Power Industry Road Map."Sergey Pikin, Director of the Energy Development Fund, told SmartGrid.ru about the outcome of 2012 for the power industry, key events and expectation for this year. SmartGrid.ru: Sergey, how would you summarize year 2012 for the industry? Sergey Pikin: All developments of 2012 – amendments of the tariff policy, structural changes – were...
10.01.2013 15:14:00
Siberia-Ural-Center Power Bridge: Incentive for Development of Scientific, Engineering and Production PotentialAuthor's column of Stanislav Monchinsky, General Director of Krasnoyarsk Territory Development Corporation, on SmartGrid.ru The project of a Power Bridge from Siberia to the Central European part of Russia emerged back in the 70's in the USSR. The proponents justified the project by the possibility to supply cheaper electricity. The proposed...
11.12.2012 15:23:00
Risk of UnderinvestmentSergey Pikin, Director of Energy Development Fund. By looking at the state of Russian power industry, one may say that there are good news and not so good news. The first news is that we managed to the set up a healthy investment process: the power plants are being built, the grids and substations are coming on line. The electric energy is bought...
10.12.2012 15:26:00
PRESS RELEASEThe Energy Infrastructure Accessibility Improvement roadmap may deliver visible results already in 2013, thinks Director of the Energy Development Fund Sergey Pikin. He expressed this opinion while giving his presentation at the International Symposium for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving held in Kazan, Russia. According to Pikin, The World...
20.11.2012 15:33:00
PRESS RELEASERussia's novel Power Bridge project was presented at Siberian Energy Forum in Krasonyarsk. Noverber 20, Energy Development Fund's General Director Andrey Listovsky and Director Sergey Pikin took part in Siberian Energy Forum III in Krasonyarsk. The Russia's first Siberia-Ural-Center Power Bridge project was presented at the forum. In his...
Cabinet Cuts Back Electricity ProgramThe government will cut the investment program for state-run power companies by 40 percent this year, Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko said Thursday.The investment program had been worth about 900 billion rubles ($26 billion), and the cut, brought on by the economic crisis, marks a rollback on the government's plans to boost electricity...
Sverdlovsk Governor Stands Up for RusAl01 April 2009By Nadia Popova / The Moscow TimesThe Sverdlovsk region government said Thursday that it sent a letter to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin asking him to help United Company RusAl by lowering electricity rates, a request dismissed by electricity sector experts and regulators as unfair and illogical."RusAl is in the worst situation among...